Connect your Wallet

Use Trust Wallet or any other compatible one to connect using Wallet Connect
Transaction in progress

If you agree and wish to proceed, please click "CONFIRM" transaction in your wallet, otherwise click "REJECT".
Please be patient. It can take several minutes. Don't close or reload this window.
Locked Balance
Approve funds for your Stake Contract
Approved funds will not be deducted from your account until they are needed to pay interest.
If you have approved funds previously, it will be replaced by the amount that you approve now.
If you want to remove the previously approved amount, just approve 0 funds.
Approve funds for your secondary token
Approved funds will not be deducted from your account until they are needed to pay interest.
If you have approved funds previously, it will be replaced by the amount that you approve now.
If you want to remove the previously approved amount, just approve 0 funds.